Accessible Travel

Silke Pollert–Sobiech
Born 1966, close to the Dutch border, raised in Münster.
My mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was five years old. The wheelchair became part of my life when I was eight.
After finishing school (Abitur), I travelled through Europe and South America for half a year. I studied Occupational Theray in Amsterdam and earned part of my money working as an ADL Assistent in a project for people with physical handicaps.
I came back to Münster in 1992, worked as an OT in a clinic for technical orthopaedics and a private practice. In 2000, I established my own practice for bodywork (RolfingTM), worked as a body therapist in a clinic for children and teens suffering from psychosomatic illnesses.
In 2016, I passed my exam for `Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie´. Since four years I´m also working as an ADL Assistant for disabled people living a self-determined life.
In 2016 and 2018, I have been to Egypt as a Travel Assitant.